But sometimes you have to step back and appreciate the efforts of others.
Three Austin non profits will compete for funding at the February 18th Rock A Charity event in Austin Texas.
English At Work
HeliOS Project
Well Aware
First off, our thanks to Link Coworking and Austin Involved for putting this event together. They did a fantastic job of bringing sponsors together to make the a successful event. Liz Elam and Courtney Clark have worked their backsides off to make Rock A Charity a reality.
The fact that some people in the Austin community realize there are worthy charities out here in need of funding is encouraging. These folks have planned an event that will allow the above-mentioned non profits to compete for some of that funding.
"The goal of RockaCharity is to raise awareness and money for local charities while also helping them perfect their elevator pitch. Guests to the event will donate a minimum of $20 for a rock. Guests will then visit three of the small meeting rooms at Link Coworking and hear pitches from three charities. In another meeting room, guests will cast their vote for whom they believe is the most deserving of their donation. At the end of the night we will announce the winner who will receive 50% of the money raised. The remaining charities will split 50%."
We've spent a couple of weeks talking about our part in Rock A Charity. Let me introduce you to the other non profits that will be in attendance that evening.
The organization’s vision is to build a community where language proficiency gives all people access to opportunity. To achieve this vision, English at Work engages employers and employees in the curriculum development process, creating lessons that are specific to the workplace. Lessons are also specific to Austin and incorporate local bus schedules, information on public officials, and visits from English at Work partner agencies."

The most severe drought in their history has claimed more than just the traditional livelihood of rural Kenyans. Most children no longer attend school because they must walk all day to find water that is not sanitary. Savagery and tribal warfare has increased dramatically due to competition over resources, and community leaders are abandoning their villages altogether in shame for being unable to provide. But the most tragic of the victims are infants, 25% of whom will not survive.
This does not have to remain the case. Access to clean, safe drinking water will return them to prosperity.
We had the privilege of meeting some of the folks from both of these non profits last Friday and it is my sincere pleasure to be included with these fine organizations. My best wishes to both of them during the evening. I don't think anyone will come out a "loser" on the 18th. Just knowing there are such caring people here in Austin is enriching to me.
All-Righty Then

Hi Ken,
How did you do in the end - and was the evening some fun?
All best,
Hey Andy,
Writing the blog now about the event. and yes, it was a blast. Blog should be up in a couple of hours...
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