The HeliOS Project is now.....

The HeliOS Project is now.....
Same mission, same folks...just a different name

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Friday, March 20, 2009

The HeliOS Project Joins Software in the Public Interest

The Directors of The HeliOS Project are proud to announce that they are now an Associate Project of Software in the Public Interest.

We are flattered and humbled that our efforts have been recognized by SPI. Being an Associate Project under SPI opens doors for us that had recently been closed and it brings our effort into a national awareness. It further aids our donors as they are assured receipt of donation letters for tax purposes. This allows corporations to freely donate the hardware we so badly need to do what we do.

We no longer have to devote our resources to administrating a non profit organization as Software in the Public Interest acts as our agent in this matter. We can devote our short resources to the matter at hand, and that is getting computers to kids that could not normally afford them. This weekend alone, we have 7 installs scheduled.

This doesn't change things for our regular donors, the link to our donation site is about the only thing that has changed. When you click the donation link on our websites, it will take you to our dedicated donation page for SPI. Your donations still come to The HeliOS Project, those funds are now simply assured a tax deductibility letter of receipt through SPI, should you require one. That link should morph into the SPI page link shortly.

Our thanks to the Board of Directors of Software in the Public Interest for giving us this opportunity to grow. It is exactly the direction we were looking into traveling and now we can do so unfettered.

Ken Starks


Gedece said...

Excellent news, congratulations on the recognition, you worked really hard for it, so you deserved it.

kozmcrae said...

Woo Hoo! Thank you SPI.

Unknown said...

Great news for you guys, Ken. Congratulations. Been following your blog for a few weeks now, and looking forward to Linux Against Poverty.

Anonymous said...

Ken, I've watched you work and struggle with this effort for years now and I am personally gratified that you are receiving the recognition you deserve. I realize you don't do this for recognition and profit, I just think that this solidifies in the minds of many the legitimacy of what you do.

It is sad that some have brought that into question. It's not only sad, it probably indicates that they were beaten up for their lunch money as kids.

You keep doing what you do Ken. There are probably many more behind you than you realize.

Mark David Madison - Gillette WY

gagy said...

This is very good news. I am extremely happy to read that your efforts are finally recognized. To be part of a non profit organization should add to your strength.

gagy said...

This is very good news. I am extremely happy to read that your efforts are finally recognized. To be part of a non profit organization should add to your strength.

Anonymous said...

Ken this is indeed good news. We met and spoke at Lindependence in Portland last year. It was a pleasure to meet one of the top tier guys. Concerning your association with spi, I think more than anything this brings your project into a brighter light.

One thing that I've noticed in the past months is the number of people and organizations that have sited your efforts as their model and inspiration for starting like initiatives. If you never supplied another computer to anyone, you have awakened the conscience of many. Myself included.

Heath Rangel - Portland

Rajagopal said...

Great work, Ken. Congrats from India

Anonymous said...

Congratulations HeliOS project and Ken. Been following your blog for a few months now, and am very impressed. This latest news is both a motivation factor and an awakener for people out there with similar ideas. Keep up the good work!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations HeliOS project. This is great news! It should serve as motivation and maybe an awakener for people out there with similar interests. Keep up the good work.
