The HeliOS Project is now.....

The HeliOS Project is now.....
Same mission, same folks...just a different name

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Sunday, November 16, 2008

In Twenty Four Hours...

I'm not a fan of teasers. If I have something I want to discuss with you, I post it and we'll rock and roll from there. In this case though, I want to give you advance warning...

If you are a true believer in Linux, and within that belief structure, you hold that Microsoft is indeed less than a friend of Linux...

Watch this space.

I am either going to enrage you or cause you to question my priorities.

My money is on the first one, given the majority of this audience.

Stay say that this may get interesting will be one of my most profound understatements...

And as some of you have less than kindly noted, I'm not prone to understatements.

All-righty Then...


Amenditman said...

Stayin tooned as Bob the Builder:-)