Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Being The Holidays and All...

For over 2 decades, Diane has made holiday wreaths for friends and family. There are never two made the same. She works with what the wreath tells her. Yeah, I know...I thought it was a bit odd as well, but the end result is gorgeous.

Diane works with color sets. The one pictured here is a red and gold color set. But just because it's the same color set, doesn't mean it will be identical to other red and gold color sets made later on. She's pretty fussy about the materials she uses and flammable stuff won't make the cut with her wreaths. When possible, she uses only made in the USA materials, although that is getting harder to do these days. She does blue and silver, turquoise and silver, red and silver, and gold and silver. If the colors are available, she will do special orders.

She ducked her head in the office a while ago and asked me when the fund raiser would begin. I've put it off due to medical reasons but it should be ready to publish in the next couple of days. She wants to extend her talents in helping Reglue raise a bit of money with her work. Now that's a good idea, but she will only be making 6 of them this year and they will all go to the Reglue cause.

Folks, we've had a harsh couple of years and we're going to need a lot of help in getting operating funds for the next year. Diane has been generous with her offer and I agree, six of them should be all she does. Her arthritic hands won't let her do more than that.

So the bottom line? 75.00 packaged and shipped. And yeah, you can probably buy holiday wreaths a lot cheaper elsewhere, but you know the person, at least by proxy; that made your wreath and you are guaranteed there will never be another one like it. This is a donation item but paypal can get crappy about items selling as donations. You'll probably be better off by marking it a donation item and that will keep us all out of trouble.

It don't take much for Paypal to pull the rug out from under you. They are truly evil incarnate, but their the only real game in town, so there's that. Ken@reglue.org is our paypal address. For those who rather deal with check or money order, let me know and I'll send you the shipping address.

We didn't use these as holiday perks on Indiegogo because we rather work with you folks face to face, as it were. You have made Reglue a known entity in the Linux World and without you, there would be no "Us".

Regardless of your religious or political beliefs, you can always purchase one and give it to another family that might enjoy it. Diane wanted me to tell you that she enjoys making them for our community.

And if you know Diane, that's saying a lot.

All-Righty then...


  1. Can she make a red and gold themed one for me? Message me on G+ if she can.

  2. Do you want more of the gold in the one published? you cant really see the gold on the ordiments/spheres, but they really pop standing in front of it. helios at fixedbylinux dott com and we'll get this wreath designed.

    And Alan, thank you.


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